Is Jane Goodall a leader?What other leaders are cool to do?

2007-05-02 12:19 pm
i'm doing a project about leaders at school and i dunno what to it would be awesome if u answer my question but plz tell the truth.and what other leaders would be good 2 do, i want something cool not ancient ones.
thx guys

回答 (2)

2007-05-02 12:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She's an excellent leader. Not only has she established care facilities for chimps, she's raised awareness about conservation among all age groups.
You can do Rigoberto Manchu, who fought for the rights of natives in South America.
Lech Walesa: fought for freedom in Poland
Lucille Ball: paved the way for women stars in television
Sally Ride: first American woman in space
John Walsh: started American's most wanted after his son was kidnapped and murdered
Sandra Day O'Connor: former chief justice who voted for women's rights (specifically abortion rights)
Cesar Chavez: fought for immigrant worker rights
Fidel Castro
2007-05-02 2:22 pm
I think the best leader for you to do is someone involved with a topic that you find interesting. If you really like gorillas and chimps then Jane Goodall would be an awesome leader. If you were interested in the Civil War then maybe Abraham Lincoln or Harriet Tubman. Find your passion and choose a leader in that area it will be easy and fun because you are interested in the topic.

I would think Ronald Regan, Margaret Thatcher, Pope John Paul II would be cool leaders given their role in tearing down Communism in Europe and Russia among tons of other things they did. Ghandi is another awesome leader.

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