
2007-05-03 7:32 am
1.If you had known Ivy mobile number,you would have sent her a message to ask her to give the scarf to you.

((指定句式:::If..had+p.p,..wou ld have+p.p))
((中文解釋:::如果你有ivy ge手機number..你可以send個message叫佢比條頸巾你))
thanks very much!!

回答 (7)

2007-05-03 8:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sometimes it is not only about grammar, it's about ease of reading.
There are little refinements to improve your natural flow of English:

If you had known Ivy's mobile number, you would have sent her a message and reminded her to bring your scarf.
假如你一早知道 Ivy 的手機號碼, 你便會發出一個短訊給她, 提醒她帶你的領巾來。

*You need Ivy's mobile, not Ivy mobile.
** In the reconstructed sentence, you omit one of the two repetitive TO, to increase readability.
***Here, I used a parelled structure with the conjuction AND.

2007-05-03 01:06:34 補充:
This is about subjuctive mood...(假如你一早知道 Ivy 的手機號碼...但句子暗示事實上你們不知道 Ivy 的手機號碼)There is a problem with Yahoo*s display for the Apostrophes. I mean Ivy*s mobile.
2007-05-03 6:28 pm
If you had Ivy's phone number, you can sent a message to her, and ask her give you the scarf.

我諗lee嗰應該啱D. 希望可以help到你啦!
2007-05-03 6:09 pm

1.If you had known Ivy mobile number,you would have sent her a message to ask her to give the scarf to you.
呢句野你讀起上o來係有少少唔順的..= =

加上用太多to....(雖然係冇錯, 但唔係咁好睇, 好似你講緊果陣都唔會狂講to啦)

(如果你有ivy ge手機number..你可以send個message叫佢比條頸巾你)

If you knew Ivy 's cell phone number, you could send a phone message to ask if she would like to restore your scarf.

用 if, 即係唔肯定, 你通常都係用過去式的....
參考: me , i come from Canada
2007-05-03 10:20 am
If you have known Ivy's mobile telephone number, you would have send her a message, reminded her to bring your scarf.
2007-05-03 8:00 am



2007-05-03 7:41 am
.寫得岩呀 無錯到 ^^
參考: 自己
2007-05-03 7:36 am
參考: My Experience on Tranlation

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