
2007-05-03 7:18 am

回答 (2)

2007-05-03 7:23 am
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My Love will Get You Home----Christine Glass
If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. Boy, my love will get you home.

If the bright lights blinds your eyes, my love will get you home.
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. Boy, my love will get you home.

If you ever feel ashame, my love will get you home.
If its only you to blame, my love will get you home.
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone, get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home. Boy, my love will get you home
參考: me ..搜狗
2007-05-03 8:57 pm
way back into love是lum歌有情人的主題曲,係u-tube你打呢首歌名就有此電影的主題曲,有hugh grant 同女主角親自演譯.事實上,唱歌都係他們2個, 歌詞超正. 講曾經拍過拖但已經沒有戀愛很久的人對真愛的渴望,仍然很正面和樂觀地等待真愛的來臨!楊千嬅同薜海琪在商台的選歌節目中亦有點呢首歌lor,好好聽gar^^
參考: 自己

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