was not aware和doesn't realize有什么分别?

2007-05-03 6:53 am
She was not aware………
She doesn't realize………..

回答 (2)

2007-05-05 11:27 am
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aware例句:she became aware that something was burning.~她發覺有東西燒著了
realize例句:she realized that he had been lying.~她明白了他一直在說謊
參考: 電子辭典,自己,老師
2007-05-03 7:06 am
'She was not aware' tends to be used after the event, so someone wasn't aware that they weren't supposed to leave the oven on a high temperature.

'She doesn't realise' would be used in the present, so used in something like oh my god she doesn't realise that her rabbit has died.

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