作一篇感想~ 20點

2007-05-03 5:58 am
300 - 500字~

回答 (2)

2007-05-03 6:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
after doing this project , I have learnt so much things that about the problem and situation of HK people of doing exercise .
after I have done the questionaire , phone calls for 訪問 and visit some people's home , I find that people living in HK don't usually do exercise due to the busy lifestyle . what makes us worry about is not how HK can improve the economy but people 's health because lots and lots of people are getting weaker and weaker .. and may get certain disease . SO I think we should do somethings in order to solve this urgent issue.
for example , ............................
I hope people in HK will be more concerned about health instead of money.
because if you are not healthy, how can you be wealthy!!!
2007-05-03 6:01 am

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