
2007-05-03 4:07 am
1. 玉具有高貴、完美、堅貞與不朽的意義。
2. 民間認爲佩戴玉器既起到裝飾作用又能達到健身效果,還有如意、長壽、平安、吉祥之 寓意, 以玉護身、可保平安及辟邪,甚至以玉陪葬。
3. 起到祛病健身的作用。另外,玉石還具有穩定情緒、增強快速反應能力的功效。
4. 男女定情時、兒女婚嫁時,玉器是最理想的贈禮。
5. 玉石被譽爲吉祥、辟邪之物、它象徵權力、高尚純潔、典雅高貴、幸福,玉中含有許多對人體有益元素,佩戴身上會被人體吸收,人體內微量元素獲得平衡,從而起到袪病消災的功效。
6. 定驚安神,消災化煞,驅邪鎮宅之效,能給人帶來旺氣。如根據五行選擇於流年能輔助自己的生肖玉鏈墜,更可保平安吉祥。

回答 (3)

2007-05-03 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The jade has noble, perfect, faithful and the meaning of the immortality.
2. Does the folks recognize? Wear to wear jade article since have already decorated a function and reach workout result, return a like idea, longevity, peaceful, the implied meaning of good luck, protect a body by jade and can protect peaceful and counteract evil force, even bury along with by jade.
3. There is function of dispeling the disease workout. Besides, the jade still has stable motion and strengthens fast reaction the effect of[with] ability.
4. When men and women pledged love, when the children marriaged, the jade article was the most ideal to present a gift.
5. Is the jade praised? Good luck, counteract evil force of thing, its symbol power, classic and clean and pure and cultured nobility, happiness, have in the jade many to the human bodies beneficial element, wearing to wear body will be absorbed by the human body, inside human body little the element acquire balance, rising the effect that Qu disease prevents disaster thus.
6. Certainly surprised tranquilize the nerves, prevent disaster to turn very, exorcise the effect of town house, can bring person fresh spirit. If can lend support to own Chinese Zodiac Sign jade chain to fall to in the passing years according to five lines of choices, can even protect peaceful good luck.
2007-05-04 12:52 am
2007-05-03 4:17 am
1. 玉具有高貴、完美、堅貞與不朽的意義。
1. The jade has noble, perfect, firm and the immortal significance.

2. 民間認爲佩戴玉器既起到裝飾作用又能達到健身效果,還有如意、長壽、平安、吉祥之 寓意, 以玉護身、可保平安及辟邪,甚至以玉陪葬。
2. Does the folks recognize? Wear to wear jade article since have already decorated a function and reach workout result, return a like idea, longevity, peaceful, the implied meaning of good luck, protect a body by jade and can protect peaceful and counteract evil force, even bury along with by jade.

3. 起到祛病健身的作用。另外,玉石還具有穩定情緒、增強快速反應能力的功效。
3. There is function of dispeling the disease workout. Besides, the jade still has stable motion and strengthens fast reaction the effect of[with] ability.

4. 男女定情時、兒女婚嫁時,玉器是最理想的贈禮。
4. When men and women pledged love, when the children marriaged, the jade article was the most ideal to present a gift.

5. 玉石被譽爲吉祥、辟邪之物、它象徵權力、高尚純潔、典雅高貴、幸福,玉中含有許多對人體有益元素,佩戴身上會被人體吸收,人體內微量元素獲得平衡,從而起到袪病消災的功效。
5. Is the jade praised? Good luck, counteract evil force of thing, its symbol power, classic and clean and pure and cultured nobility, happiness, have in the jade many to the human bodies beneficial element, wearing to wear body will be absorbed by the human body, inside human body little the element acquire balance, rising the effect that Qu disease prevents disaster thus.

6. 定驚安神,消災化煞,驅邪鎮宅之效,能給人帶來旺氣。如根據五行選擇於流年能輔助自己的生肖玉鏈墜,更可保平安吉祥。
6. Certainly surprised tranquilize the nerves, prevent disaster to turn very, exorcise the effect of town house, can bring person fresh spirit. If can lend support to own Chinese Zodiac Sign jade chain to fall to in the passing years according to five lines of choices, can even protect peaceful good luck.

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