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2007-05-03 3:39 am
"I was so disappointed about the sound which was out of tune frequently from the begining to the end of the movie. At first I think it may cause by the sound effect of the movie, but it repeated in a short period of time frequently, It sounded like the tape is being corruputed."

"Because I do not want to spend any more time on this problem, I am immediately, and I expect a full refund. I will be informing my friends and family about this awful experience."

回答 (6)

2007-05-03 8:46 pm
I was very disappointed at the movie and annoyed by the off-key sound in it. At first I thought it maybe the sound effect, but its continual(continual與continuous不同,continual是間斷,而不是不斷) occurence convinced me that the tape was possibly corrupted.
Since I do not want to spend time on this problem anymore, I am now expecting an immediate and full refund. Besides I am going to(是打算的意思)tell my friends and family(其實用others代替my friends and family更好,因你不需要向他交代那麼詳細) about this awful experience.
2007-05-03 11:39 am
I was very disappointed about the sound effect of the entire movie. It was out of tune. At first, I thought that really was the special effect, then this sound problem repeated again and again. It seemed like the tape was corrupted.

I did not want to spend any more time to tortune myself, therefore I got up and asked a full refund for my ticket. I will tell my friends and families about this awful experience.
2007-05-03 3:59 am
"I was so disappointed about the sound which was out of tune frequently from the begining to the end of the movie. First of all,I think it may cause by the sound effect of the movie, but it repeated in a short period of time frequently, It sounded like the tape is being interrupted."
呢部電影的音響效果由始至終都另我好失望因為成日走音.開頭我以為呢d只係電影嘅特別音響效果,但之後d音響效果重復又重復,而且好朋密.d 聲好似d錄音帶走音甘.

"Because I do not want to spend any more time on this problem, I expect a full refund immediately. I will be informing my friends and family about this awful experience.";
我期望可以即時攞返全數脫款, 因為我唔想再浪費太多時間係呢個問題上.我會將呢次可怕嘅經歷話俾我d朋友同屋企人聽.
參考: Longman Translation Dictionary
2007-05-03 3:48 am
"I was so disappointed about the sound which was out of tune frequently from the begining to the end of the movie. At first I thought it might caused by the sound effect of the movie, but it repeated frequently in a short period of time. It sounded like the tape was corruputed.";

"I did not want to spend any more time in this problem. I only expected to have a full refund. I would inform to my friends and family about this awful experience.";
2007-05-03 3:46 am
"I was so disappointed about the sound which was out of tune frequently from the beginning to the end of the movie. At first I think it may cause by the sound effect of the movie, but it repeated in a short period of time frequently, it sounded like the tape is being corrupted.";
"Because I do not want to spend any more time on this problem, I am immediately, and I expect a full refund. I will be informing my friends and family about this awful experience.”

It 要細寫
2007-05-03 3:46 am
At first I think it might be caused by the sound effect of the movie, but it repeated in a short period of time frequently. It sounded like the tape had been being corruputed.

Because I do not want to spend any more time on this problem.
[I am immediately(?! not clear)] .
I expect a full refund. I will be informed by my friends and parents about this awful experience.

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