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我想講,廣東話係唔可以用翻譯網站直譯架,書面中文就或者可以,如果用廣東話直譯…d英文真係… =_=|||
Reference: Sytle XXX
In relation of your previous comments, you mentioned that the fitting was too loose and there need to be some changes at the fore-tube(前筒??) and the collar according to the diagram(彩圖?). We have just spoken to the factory, they replied that it is difficult for them to make partial changes in the dimension table as requested in the diagram. This is because there are many default dimensions that have already been fixed. Therefore the factory suggested that remaking the whole style according to your diagram would be better than changing certain areas locally.
Please reply if this is fine with you. If so, we would provide a second sample for verification.