(5/2) 中譯英 ~~真係唔要翻譯機英文 !!! 唔該哂

2007-05-02 7:54 pm
1 由於我地手上無有關依樣物料的供應 !!! 同埋工廠回覆要收到件原辦先可以報價 !!! 所以麻煩妳提供原辦比我地以便報價 !!!!

2) 有關於個測試報告 ~~已經同我老細傾過 !!!由於價錢問題 ~~我地只可以一個布種抽其中一個色去做測試 ~~而唔可以每款都做哂齊色測試比你 !!!! 請回覆是否可接受

3) 我地已經重新 compare 過依個款同過往近似款的價錢 ~~ 由於依個款多左個三個袋同埋好重做工 ~~所以個價錢我地只可以減到以下價錢 !!! 貨期方面就要視乎妳幾時確認訂單先可以回覆確實時間比妳 ~~

4) 希望妳明白由於工廠同一時間都做緊妳地同埋ladies/kids 個面d單 !!!! 所以會可能比較耐少少 ~~已經追過佢地 ~~有關 xxx/xxx 款的樣辦最快可以於 x月x日提供 ~~另外 xxx款由於佢地做錯左 XX部份需要退返上去更改 !! 不過都會於下個星期前比到你 ~~

回答 (3)

2007-05-02 9:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Due to we have no relevant material available in hand.However,the plant requested the sample to assess the costs.Could you provide the sample for us in order to do so?

Regarding to the testing report.I have already consulted my boss.Due to the costs,we merely can provide the sample by one color on one kind of cloth instead of all kind of color and cloth.Please let us know wheather you can accept it.

We have compared to previous price on this pettern.We are sorry to infrom you we just can offer this price to you because of the design on this pattern is too complicated and it has three more pocket on cloth.However,we could confirm the shippment date after you leave the order.

I hope you will understand that the plant being focus on ladies/kids and your own order resulting in the date postponed.I have urged them regarding the pattern of XXX/XXX sample that it will be available in xx-xx.Furthermore,they did something wrong in xx part of the xxx and need to return for modification.But we still can send it to you before next week.
2007-05-02 8:43 pm
1) Our factory informed me that they cannot make quotation until receiving original sample. I have tried to find out the materials from our store but failed. I would like that you could provide sample to me soonest possible.

2) Refer to testing report, I have talked with my boss. He/She said that she/he only accept to pay testing fee for ONE color of each kind of one frabic, not ALL colors. Pls reply acceptable or not.

3) In comparing with existing product with the similar product, we find that we need to make more 3 pockets and more labour works are required. Thus, we couldn't reduce the selling price in large percentage. Refer to shipment date, it depends on the confirmation date of your order.

4) We arranged to product ladies/kids orders at the same time so it may have a late delivery. Hope that you could understand our bad situation and allow to extend the delivery date for few days.

4) Refer to XXX sample, we could provide it to you on or before XXXX. But, xxxx sample has something wrong and need to re-work. Thus, it will be provided to you by the end of next week.
2007-05-02 8:42 pm
1) Please provide us with the original sample for quotation because we do not have the supply for the related material and the factory needs the original sample to provide you with the quotation.

2) In regard to the examination of the material, we can only have one colour of each kind of the fabric tested due to the costs and we cannot have every colour of every kind of fabric tested. Please respond if it is acceptable or not.

3) We have made a comparation between the current and previous designs. The current design has 3 more pockets and therefore involve more complex work and we can only offer you the following price. We will inform you the actual lead time when you place your order.

4) Please understand that the factory is processing both your order and the order from ladies/kids and it will take longer for it to finish all the orders. I have followed the orders up and the sample of xxx/xxx will be available by x x. There was a mistake on xx part of xxx and we have returned it for alternation but it will also be available by next week.

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