
政府最近推出了一個名為「藍天行動」 宣傳環保的運動,未來多個月會舉辦多個活動,希望大家支持,為我們的「藍天」打氣。是次活動主要提出改善空氣污染的問題,而其中一個改善方法就是節約能源,政府會先起帶頭作用,在各部門裡會執行節約能源措施,並鼓勵市民將室內冷氣的溫度調較到攝氏25.5度,估計每年可以節省10億度電。已經有30間學校和機構宣誓會採取環保措施,為節約能源和減少空氣污染出一分力。


回答 (2)

2007-05-02 7:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The government recently launched the Action Blue Sky Campaign to arouse public interest in environmental issues. In the coming months, activities will be held to call on the community to pitch in for "Clean Air for a Cool Hong Kong". Air pollution is one of the key issues to be addressed, and one of the solutions to that is to save engery. Government departments will take the lead by adopting engery saving measures including keeping the temperature in air-conditioned space at the level of 25.5 degrees Celsius, with a hope that the public will follow, and in that case 1 billion units of electricity could be saved . At present, more than 30 schools and organisations have pledged to implement green measures to help save energy and clean the air.
詞彙表: (政府新聞公告使用)
藍天行動---Action Blue Sky Campaign
為藍天打氣---Clean Air for a Cool Hong Kong
十億度電--1 billion units of electricity
2007-05-04 6:53 pm
藍天行動---Action Blue Sky Campaign

為藍天打氣---Clean Air for a Cool Hong Kong

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 22:00:49
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