
2007-05-02 9:00 am
1. I attended about half a dozen sessions until I felt I had the necessary tools to cope with my children unguided. -------我想問unguided 係咩意思?迷失?
2. during grief, one must take one's time.-----------成句即係點解?
3. it's about routine, love, honesty, and security.------------routine 係度係解咩?

回答 (2)

2007-05-03 1:21 am
2007-05-02 9:45 am
1. unguided children - 沒有得到引導的子女
註﹕ 這句的意思很含糊﹐我想 "I attended a few sessions which prepared me to give some guidance to my children" 比較好

2. during grief, one must take one's time.

3. Routine 解作慣例﹐ 常規
我認為這句不需要 routine﹐ 因為很怪﹐ 只要 "love, honesty and security " 就夠了
參考: 自己

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