
2007-05-02 8:50 am

回答 (3)

2007-05-02 5:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
首先租約係由合約法保障的, 如有違反合約條款, 當然可以即時終止合約及要求賠償損失, 但必須要有確實証明. 你應即時書面通知(寄掛號信要簽收的)租客說對方已經違反租約條款, 要求即時搬出, 否則採取法律行動.
參考: 租客
2007-05-02 9:47 am
yeah, and could also sue for any financial loss caused!

dont trust the dishonest tenants. they tell lie do not mean they are telling just one lie. afraid some thing worst is coming up. terminate without pay, if they damage your property, sue them. damage made is criminal offence, offenders would get criminal records. it would affect the offenders for ever !
2007-05-02 9:02 am

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