係咪sound card 有事???

2007-05-02 5:46 am
我部腦對喇叭一隻有聲一隻無聲,知前以為係喇叭壞左,之後買左對新既,又係咁,我試過係第2部腦到用,2隻都有聲~同埋電腦入面所有有關sound card 既file,setting都check過無事,sound card個啟動程式又裝過幾次,又係正常,so 我想問係咪張sound card壞呢?

我想問,咩果個插座可以換ga??唔係連住張內置sound card 既咩??咁點換呀?

回答 (2)

2007-05-02 5:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The testing procedure as follow:
1) Contious play a muisc which make both of the speaker have sound.
2)plug your speaker into the sound card, to see the result, you may also try to pull out the speaker's a little bit ( not completely pull out, try difference contact point)to see the result, if it is still not working, I think your sound card's phone hole may be damage or bad contact, you may need to contact the maintenance or replace a new one.
2007-05-02 8:59 am
插座壞的機會較高,sound card壞就連聲都會無得出。

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