Oral Exam: My Favourite Things

2007-05-02 3:29 am
This is the Mascot Key Ring! I have been to Beijing. I bought it there. I was lucky to took the last one from the shelf because many people wanted to bought it. Suddenly someone took away it from my hand. He was caught by the people. He said sorry to me. He said, "I came from Kunming. I have took four trains to get here! Can you give it to me? " Other customers asked him to go away. He was crying when he went away the shop. I felt sorry to him.

回答 (2)

2007-05-02 12:35 pm
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My two favorite things are my bracelet and a teddy bear. I got my bracelet from my best friend on my 10th birthday. I do not dare to lost this bracelet because it means a lot to me. It's like a symbol of friendship. And i got the teddy bear from my parents when i was young. The teddy bear is my first gift i ever received from my parents! i still remember i was really scared of darkness when i was young. But then, my parents bought this teddy bear and i used it as my comforter. I treasure these two things.
2007-05-02 3:34 am
There are two things I most like at home. One is a pair of ear ring, another one is a watch. They are given by my grandmather, and I think they are the only gift grandmather leave to me. Whenever the popular culture, I still think that they are most worth presents in my life.

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