
2007-05-02 12:56 am
成日見到D人換條大大碌死氣喉, 但係D人話起步會慢 + 噪音過大.
有冇辦法令到架車ge聲靚D, 但係又唔會有以上ge問題....??
價錢大約係幾多 & o係邊到可以搵到料?

My car is a 1998 1.6 civic vti. 想換高音D ge喉, 有冇ga...@@? 我唔想好似隻老牛咁ge聲~ 之前見到有部civic D聲好靚, 好似法拉里ge聲, 我懷疑D聲係由super charge 發出的..... 有錯唔好話我低B.....=__________=

回答 (3)

2007-05-02 7:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is a difficult question because it's subjective to judge if the exhaust sound is good or not. My feeling or definition toward a good exhaust sound may be different from yours. Also, even putting a same model of aftermarket exhaust on different models of cars will give you different sounds. This is very complicated issue.

By putting an exhaust system that has less restriction, the car will give up a little low end torque, so there's less power from the get-go, but then when you are in the mid to upper rpm range the car will actually gain more power and will be quicker. Some BMW and Porsche models have stock exhaust system that has a valve in one of the exhaust tips. In low RPM the valve is closed to generate more back pressure for better low-end torque, and will open itself for better flow (more power) in mid to upper RPM.

I don't know what your car is, but Fujitsubo has some exhaust systems that may meet your needs. There's a recirculation tube that can generate back pressure in low RPM for low end torque, route the air for better flow in higher RPM.
2007-05-03 7:04 am
2007-05-02 6:05 am

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