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2007-05-02 12:38 am

(星島) 05月 01日 星期二 03:53PM
美國 的研究發現,開心果可以顯著降低壞膽固醇的水平,因此有助預防血管收窄。科學家指出,進食一、兩撮開心果,便可以收到減患心臟病 之效。 美國賓夕法尼亞州立大學研究員洛鮑爾 說,吃1.5至
廣 告

3安士的開心果,即一或兩個手掌份量,便可以大幅降低壞膽固醇水平,從而減少患上心臟病的風險。進食更多份量的開心果,更可以顯著減少低密度脂蛋白(LDL)的比例。而低密度脂蛋白過高,容易造成心血管疾病及動脈粥狀硬化。 在有關的研究中,參加測試的人士連續一個月每天進食3安士的開心果後,血液中的整體膽固醇水平降低了8.4%。而俗稱為壞膽固醇的低密度脂蛋白水平,更大減11.6%。

回答 (1)

2007-05-02 12:42 am
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Please below the news translation will be an English.

The pistachio nut beneficial may reduce the cholesterol to the heart
(Xingdao) on May 01 Tuesday 03:53 PM
US The research discovered that, the pistachio nut may obviously reduce the bad cholesterol the level, therefore is helpful to prevent the blood vessel to squeeze.The scientist pointed out that, eats food, two pinch of pistachio nuts, then may receive reduces contracts heart disease Effect. American Pennsylvania State University Researcher Luo river Bauer Said that, eats 1.5 to

3 ounce pistachio nuts, namely or a two palm of the hand component, then may reduce the bad cholesterol level largely, thus reduces suffers from heart disease the risk.The feed more component pistachio nut, may obviously reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) the proportion.But the low density lipoprotein excessively is high, easy to create the cardiovascular disease and the artery gruel shape hardening. In the related research, after the participation test public figure continual month eats food every day 3 ounce pistachio nuts, in the blood overall cholesterol level reduced 8.4%.But is named as the bad cholesterol low density lipoprotein level, reduces 11.6% greatly.
參考: myself

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