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2007-05-02 12:26 am
會考槍手無悔意 判最重服務令 認為被人「跣」 被判240小時
(明報) 05月 01日 星期二 05:10AM


回答 (2)

2007-05-02 1:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
The area-wide student examination ringer sentences the heaviest service command without the regret to think that “the bare” is sentenced by the human 240 hours
(Ming Daily) on May 01 on Tuesday 05:10 AM
[Ming Daily special news]Six female students generous recompense area-wide student examination, because the confidence is insufficient “invites the gun”, looks for the friend generation to test mathematics. “the ringer” acknowledges early plots together the cheating, yesterday is sentenced 240 hour social service command, asks the gun first defendant's 80 hours to be long far. When judge sentence stressed that “ringer” event

The responsibility advances on six female students bodies, said that opposite party betrays her, is talks into the quibble the truth, therefore thought that she “regret foundation not steady”, must sentence the long time the social service command.
參考: Translator
2007-05-03 3:40 am
The area-wide student examination ringer sentences the heaviest service command without the regret to think “bare” is sentenced by the human 240 hours
(Ming Daily) on May 01 Tuesday 05:10 AM
[Ming Daily special news]Six female student generous recompense area-wide student examination, because the confidence is insufficient “invites the gun”, looks for the friend generation to test mathematics.“The ringer” acknowledged early plots together the cheating, yesterday is sentenced 240 hour social service command, far invites gun first defendant's 80 hour long.When judge sentence stressed that, “the ringer” advances the event
responsibility on six female student bodies, said opposite party betrays her, is talks into the quibble the truth, therefore thought she “regret foundation not steady”, must sentence the long time the social service command.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 21:59:31
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