英文的indirect speech ~

2007-05-02 12:24 am
3. " Is this pen yours ? '' The teacher asked her .

4. '' Will you bring her letter here the day after tomorrow ?'' We asked James.

5. He said to her , ' Have you done your homework ?'

6. Mrs Lee said to her husband , ' When did the last train leave the station last night ?'

7. ' Must I do the exercise again?' He asked the teacher .

回答 (2)

2007-05-03 1:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
3. The teacher asked her if that pen was hers.
4. We asked James if he would bring her letter there two days later.
5. He told her if he had done his homework.
6.Mrs Lee told her husband when the last had left the station the night before.
7. He asked the teacher if he must do the exercise again.

1)若是原句為say時要轉為ask或inquire等,如:I said to hm,"what are you reading?"就要轉為I asked him what.....
2)若直述文句是用why, what, how, who, where等等(這些疑問詞是引出疑問句:如:What he was reading?的what是引出he was reading),則用這些疑問詞作連接詞就可以,如:He said to me,"why did you do such a thing?",就轉作He asked me why I......
若疑問詞不是引出疑問句:如Are you happy?等就用if (or whether)作連接詞,不可用that作連接詞
如:He said to me,"Do you know my brother?"就可轉成He asked me if I knew ......
3)將報告文改為平述句(即主詞+主動詞,即不要用倒裝法:動詞在主詞之前,如:What is your name?is這主動詞就在主詞your name之前),接在if(or whether)或其他疑問詞後面
如:I said to him,"what are you reading?"就成了I asked him what he was reading.
 He said to me,"Do you know my brother?"就成了He asked me if I knew his brother.

2007-05-02 17:06:52 補充:
對唔住,第5句是”5. He asked her if he had done his homework."6.Mrs Lee asked her husband when the last had left the station the night before.

2007-05-02 17:07:50 補充:
2007-05-02 12:44 am
3. The teacher asked her whether this/that pen was hers.
4. We asked James whether he would bring her letter here/there the day after tomorrow/that.
5. He asked her whether she had done her homework (or not).
6. Mrs Lee asked her husband about the time when the last train left the station last night.
7. He asked the teacher whether he must do the exercise again.
參考: myself

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