
2007-05-01 11:59 pm

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2007-05-02 12:05 am
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Famous French Dishes
Blanquette de veau
Boeuf a la mode
Coq au Vin
French Cheeses
Steak au poivre
Fondue bourguignonne (not to be mistaken with the Cheese Fondue- this dish is actually a part of Savoyarde and Swiss cuisine)
The following dishes can generally be ordered in brasseries:

Steak frites-steak with fries; fries can often be replaced by string beans
Poulet frites-chicken with fries
Croque-monsieur-a grilled Swiss cheese and ham sandwich
Generally speaking, fries are a common side order for lower end French style restaurants. The French generally consider fries to be of Belgian origin, although there is no evidence for this; a typically Belgian dish is steamed mussels with a side of fries.

A typical simple, cheap, quick meal consists of pasta, often spaghetti, with tomato sauce.

Common Canned Food
Choucroute garnie
Most dishes, including relatively sophisticated ones, are available as canned or frozen food in supermarkets. These products are sometimes endorsed by famous chefs.

Common Savory Pies
Tarte flambée from Alsace
Flamiche from Artois and Picardy
Quiche from Lorraine
Pissaladière from Nice

Famous But Atypical Dishes
The following dishes are considered typical of French cuisine in some foreign countries, but actually are rarely eaten in France:

Frog legs

Crêpes, a speciality of Brittany
Chocolate Mousse
Choux a la creme
Baba au rhum

CLICK 入每一個,裏面有些是有中文版本的。法國食物當然要用法國名。SORRY,又是 WIKI。我找過幾個網,得呢個最詳細唔係廣告又中英對照用翻法文名。


2007-05-02 4:29 am
French cuisine

French cuisine is considered to be one of the world's most refined and elegant styles of cooking, and is renowned for both its classical ("haute cuisine") or grande cuisine and provincial styles. Many of the world's greatest chefs, such as Taillevent, La Varenne, Carême, Escoffier, Fernand Point, and Bocuse, are or were masters of French cuisine. Additionally, French cooking techniques have been a major influence on virtually all Western cuisines, and almost all culinary schools use French cuisine as the basis for all other forms of Western cooking.


French cuisine is characterized by its extreme diversity, and style. Traditionally, each region of France has its own distinctive cuisine: Cuisine from northwest France uses butter, cream, and apples; Cuisine from southwest France uses duck fat, foie gras, porcini mushrooms, and gizzards; Cuisine from southeast France uses olive oil, herbs, and tomatoes, and shows deep influences from Spanish cuisine, Catalan cuisine and Italian cuisine. Cuisine from northern France uses potatoes, pork, endives and beer, and shows Flemish cuisine influences. Cuisine from eastern France uses lard, sausages, beer, and sauerkraut, and shows German cuisine influences. Besides those five general areas, there are many more local cuisines, such as Loire Valley cuisine, Basque cuisine, cuisine of Provence and the cuisine of Roussillon, which is similar to Catalan cuisine. With the movements of population of contemporary life, such regional differences are less noticeable than they used to be, but they are still clearly marked, and one traveling across France will notice significant changes in the ways of cooking and the dishes served. Moreover, recent focus of French consumers on local, countryside food products means that the regional cuisines are experiencing a strong revival in the early 21st century, especially as the slow food movement is gaining popularity. What is often known outside of France as French cuisine is the traditionally elaborate haute cuisine, served in restaurants for high prices. This cuisine is mostly influenced by the regional cuisines of Lyon and northern France, with a marked touch of refinement. Average French people do not eat or prepare this cuisine in their everyday life. As a general rule, elderly people tend to eat the regional cuisine of the region where they are located, while younger people will be more inclined to eat dishes from other regions and foreign dishes. Exotic cuisines, particularly Chinese cuisine and Vietnamese cuisine and some dishes from possessions in the Antilles and former colonies in Northern Africa, have made inroads. In the 1970s the style of serving known as nouvelle cuisine became extremely popular. That style today seems to verge on pretension, although attractive presentation has by no means been rejected. French wine and French cheese are an integral part of French cuisine, both as ingredients and accompaniments. France is known for its large ranges of wines and cheeses.

2007-05-01 20:31:56 補充:
參考: Wikipedia

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