runescape- Up str lvl

2007-05-01 7:20 pm
how to up str lvl faster?i am 60lvl(combat) now,i want to up str lvl......
which monster should i kill?
my lvl:
52att lvl
42str lvl
53daf lvl

回答 (3)

2007-05-01 8:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果閣下用rune weapon (scimmy,longsword,b axe,2h等等),建議閣下去打moss giant (lvl 42,最多扣人6血,本身有60 hp),佢地跌既野都幾好,有laws(有d人收1k=1),b bones(300gp放出去),black sq shield等等。閣下都可以去stronghold of security既2/f打zombies[lvl 30(最多扣人4血,44(最多扣人5-6血)],佢地都有30幾-40幾血,而且數量多,唔駛同人爭。

如果閣下用addy weapon既話,可以打hill giants (lvl 28,最多扣人4血,本身35血),佢地跌既野有b bones,limpwurt root(可以賣300gp一個),laws,deaths等等。或者係去stronghold of security既1/f打minotaurs (lvl 27,每隻22血,最多扣人3血),佢地跌既iron arrows可以賣俾varrock個Lowe(射箭工具店),大約6gp一枝。

參考: 小弟既經驗
2007-05-03 2:09 am
...if your str lvl higher I will suggest you kill lesser demon.But...your str lvl is low low low!But kill the a little rubbish mosters or really rubbish will....up str lvl to slow!!!My suggestion is kill ice giants(lvl 53) or ice warrior(lvl 57)
2007-05-01 7:26 pm
You can kill hill giant(28 lvl,36血(差唔多))

my lvl:
51att lvl
68str lvl
49def lvl

參考: me

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