買樓的50年租賃是甚麼? 甚樣計算?50年後又甚樣?

2007-05-01 6:59 pm
買樓的50年租賃是甚麼? 甚樣計算?50年後又甚樣?買私人樓或居屋有否分別?

回答 (2)

2007-05-02 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
買樓的50年租賃通常指村屋丁屋地皮! 97年回歸中國後, 中國保証50年不變, 所以地價由97之後50年個地租都唔會變, 因為塊地此終係政府既, 所以要交地租稅, 至於50年後怎樣就無人知了! 買私人樓唔會有入息資產限制, 而居屋係政府起的, 所以會有入息同資產限制, 而且要抽籤添, 當然居屋會平D, 因為唔使比地價住...賣出去先要補番地價!
參考: 剛買村屋, 問過律師
2007-05-01 8:29 pm
what do you want to say? '買樓的50年租賃' what is it?

does it appear on the title deed? is yeah, that is the time period of the Right of Use of the lease granted. a little complex. all land in hkg is leasehold that is own by hkg government not by any landbuyer. landbuying actually pay for a certain period of time to use the land. return the land to government at maturity. if the landbuyer develope and build properties such as multistorey strata building and sell individual unit to the 3th parties. the 3th parties also bound by the time period of the Right of Use of the land.

hope i could answer your querry? you may ask your solicitors la. they are professional.

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