韓國coex mall

2007-05-01 6:06 pm
請問韓國coex mall有"Skin Food"嗎?

回答 (3)

2007-05-02 3:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
As far as l remember there is no Skin Food in COEX mall. There is one shop in the underground shopping street in Gangnam Station (3 stops away from SamSeong Station where COEX is).
No need to worry because l saw some of them outside tourist areas. Therefore it should not be difficult to find a Skin Food shop.
2007-05-07 10:18 am
Skin Food 係上年 5 月在 coex mall 入面開左一間啦.
因為上次佢岩岩開左, 我又岩岩去到, 買左少少野就有好多野送 tim.
嘻嘻 ^^ 好開心阿!
2007-05-01 9:33 pm
有, 但那一個Wing則忘記了。那兒幾大, 小心迷路
參考: knowledge

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