
2007-05-01 9:44 am
When a particle is acted on by a constant force, which of the following will change with time?

(1) the acceleration of the particle
(2) the momentum of the particle
(3) the kinetic energy of the particle


回答 (3)

2007-05-01 10:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
When a particle is acted on by a constant force, which of the following will change with time?

(1) the acceleration of the particle
(2) the momentum of the particle
(3) the kinetic energy of the particle

Assume the constant force is given to the moving direction and that direction are taken as positive.

1) False
By F=ma
when constant force are given, it will also have CONSTANT acceleration as mass is unchanged.

2) True
By momentum = mv
The velocity increase by time to time as there are acceleration
Mass is unchanged.
Hence the momentum is increase by time to time

3) True
By KE = 0.5 * m * v^2
The velocity increase by time to time as there are acceleration
Mass is unchanged and 0.5 is a constant
KE increase by time to time
參考: Myself
2007-05-05 3:49 am
2007-05-01 9:52 am
same net force same acceleration

2007-05-01 01:54:37 補充:
since acceleration exists,v increase so momentum n ke also increase

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