「ex-boyfriend」的 「ex」英文全名是甚麼 ?

2007-05-01 9:16 am

回答 (4)

2007-05-01 12:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ermmm... I can't really understand your question, but *EX* is a preffix which means *something that was but now it's not*

Ex-boyfriend = Someone's boyfriend who now it's not her boyfriend.
Ex-president = Someone who were a President in the past, but now she/he's not.
Ex-superstar = Someone who isn't a Superstar in the present.
...and so on.
參考: Did this help you out or I'm out of context?... Sorry if I am... Enjoy of your Day! ^_^
2007-05-01 10:17 am
根據網上資料, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ex-
ex 是古希臘字 εκ-, εχ-, εχω- 的近似字.
2007-05-01 9:55 am
2007-05-01 9:19 am
ex- /eks/ prefix (in nouns) former: ex-wife ex-president
參考: oxford dictionary

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