do you like to walk around barefooted in school?

2007-05-01 12:00 am

回答 (6)

2007-05-04 4:06 pm
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I did... when I was in secondary school, a school that was in one building, largely indoors, and had a hardwood floor. When the teachers were not looking or during break when the teachers didn't care. And during gym and drama, when we had to.

Now that I'm in university, "walking barefoot in school" would mean running barefoot OUTDOORS, on dirty streets, trying to get from the lecture theatre to the laboratories. So... no, not anymore!
2007-05-01 7:20 am
Not really... I sometimes walk in my socks though!
2007-05-01 7:04 am
I would...Until I walked into a bathroom or the locker room...Then it wouldn't be so fun...
2007-05-01 7:04 am
not really, i'd look like a fool!

2007-05-01 7:04 am
No, they'll give you a detention.
2007-05-01 7:03 am
haha i have before it felt weird and people looked at me like i was crazy!

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