Did you have a nick name growing up?

2007-04-30 8:42 am
Do children still do this? I had a pal Drew, who to this day still gets called Scooby and another one Marco we still call Polo.

回答 (33)

2007-04-30 8:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am an art tutor and when phoning a student I heard her husband say " Mastermind is on the phone for you."
2007-04-30 8:48 am
No. My husband has a number of nicknames for me. He's the only one who has
given me a nickname.
2007-04-30 8:47 am
My parents used to call me Hey You, which made me think I was chinese.
2007-04-30 8:46 am
"Eastwood" As my name is Clint......
2016-05-17 7:13 pm
Toes, Champagne, Charmin Ultra
2007-04-30 12:36 pm
Mine was Granny, as everyone would come to me with their problems and also I shuffled along like one as I always wore long straight tight fitting skirts.
2007-04-30 11:55 am
Yup, my nickname is still Numnum
2007-04-30 11:28 am
My NickName was - Tommy and Topers i didnt like the tompers nickname though.....
2007-04-30 11:17 am
my nickname is ponky or ping.
2007-04-30 11:13 am
Coming from Australia EVERYONE has nicknames, the weirder the better! My name Victoria became VIcki, which became Victa a brand of lawnmower and ultimately Lorna (lawn -a) then Doone as in Lorna Doone. So yes, my nickname is Doone.

Also, 'Wotcha' as in Wotcha doin?
2007-04-30 11:11 am
oh yes! my brother used to give me all types of names! he still does!
2007-04-30 10:57 am
My 3 brothers called me scrag tag as my hair was always tattie.
2007-04-30 10:52 am
yes ugly face
2007-04-30 10:23 am
I always got Spanna (Anna?) and now I find myself calling my daughter that (She's Hannah!)
She's only 3 and often calls herself that too!
2007-04-30 9:55 am
Yes Molly because I am a left hander.
2007-04-30 9:27 am
When I was younger I was called Toasty and now I'm referred to as Deuchar's Jim in the pub (can't think why!)
2007-04-30 9:00 am
yes i was called doll because i looked like one when i was younger
2007-04-30 8:59 am
Yes but i cant reveal as someone from school days may recognise me on Answers !
2007-04-30 8:58 am
'the human dispose-all'

Fast Eddie

2007-04-30 8:58 am
My name as a freshman in my freshmen year was...well, ironically, they called me "Fresh". First of all because I'm fat and I'm a freshman. Now I'm almost a senior, nobody ever call me by that name. Many of my friends think that name was cool but I though of it as an insult.

My second nickname was Mamen...Even I don't understand why they call me that...

My third is Bandit....(?)

But no one ever call me names anymore...

Fuh...what a relieve..
2007-04-30 8:56 am
lots of nicknames. none stuck

right now they call me don or

i am a girl.
2007-04-30 8:53 am
Yep hence my user name ...wacky
2007-04-30 8:51 am
yes i hav it too and suprisingly my nick name started frm my teacher =))
2007-04-30 8:50 am
yes and yes
2007-04-30 8:47 am
ive always been called red - that's my name
2007-04-30 8:47 am
Unfortunately I did, but if I repeated it here somebody would report me for bad language. Suffice it to say it had connections with a venereal disease ! ! !
2007-04-30 8:47 am
Children still do look for nicknames...some meant to endear a friend and some to taunt and torture. Some things never change. Mine was "Giggle box" and I earned it well.
2007-04-30 8:47 am
i was baby lisa because our next door neighbor and my sisters best friend was named lisa, so hence me being the baby, they tagged me with that.....my sister still sometimes calls me that and i am 42!!
2007-04-30 8:46 am
Yes my sister has given me many nick names
on of them is Blonde Bullet because i was the fastest on my high school track team and because i`m a Blonde
2007-04-30 8:46 am
yes, my nickname is big bee
參考: personal
2007-04-30 8:45 am
My nickname has been changing ongoing. My sister used different kinds of name on me.
2007-04-30 10:26 am
sambo, little b***ard, c**t, sh*it for brains,,,, thers loads more...
i have such a loving family...
2007-04-30 8:49 am
I had a couple. I was called Bertha by guys who made fun of me back in elementary school, but those same guys years later want my number and want to have a good time with me that won't happen. I've been called a fat whore. But I didn't let that get to me because those people had many flaws compared to me just being a bit chubby. I have positive names like Toya(short for LaToya), or sexy(my boyfriend calls me that and other guys have said it). This girl who is a lesbian at my school calls me mama. I get good names now, than back in high school and elementary.

Krazy Libra

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