Which following is the best for Aviation

2007-05-01 5:41 am

Doing Bachelor of Aviation (+CPL) at Australia in Uni of Griffith or RMIT or Uni of South Australia

OR Doing Master of Aerospace Eng (+PPL)at England in Bath Uni

Bath 好像比較出名, 但Australia入面個三間邊間最好呢?

Really don't know how to chose.....Thx

回答 (1)

2007-05-01 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Uni of South Australia ( B. Aviation) is the best because a world famous civil aviation training centre (Parafield Airport) is located in Adelaide, South Australia. Students from Uni SA share the same training resources. The large training centre provides training for world famous airlines such as Cathay Pacific, Qantas Airway, Bristish Airway, Singapore airline etc...

If you want to become a pliot why don't you apply through Cathay Pacific, they offer training position for pliot. Have a look at the CX website (www.cathaypacific.com)

Master of Aerospace Eng will concentrated more on repairing flight and the eng aspect rather than a training course for 民航機師

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