
2007-05-01 4:32 am
我想去aus/us 讀..


回答 (2)

2007-05-01 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
睇你想去邊啦, 其實你可以自己去果個國家既website睇下, 佢都有講去讀書有咩要求, 等等... 其實自己申請係最好既, 只要跟住佢既指引, 一般都ok既....不過如果係唔識, 咁就真係冇計喇....睇你運氣喇... 或者搵當地既agents幫手囉, 都ok架

us 既要求好高, 你英文唔好, 去interivew既時候就已經fail咗係喇, 而且治安嘛嘛地, 讀完書之後, 想申請埋移民又有好多問題... aus既英文口音唔好, 所以好多人都唔去.... 所以我當年去咗加拿大.... so far so good啦, 我都成為咗公民喇...祝你好運
2007-05-01 3:38 pm
Hi there,

I think US is pretty good. Every place has somewhere that not safety and discrimination. AUS, US, and CAN these 3 are all immigrate countries. CAN is the easiest one to get in. AUS is more territorialism, US.... um maybe i've been here for too long, i like it. And schools in here are pretty good(famous), like Stanford, Harvard, Yale, MIT, USC, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Irvine, and UC San Diego....etc... they are all well-known university in California. (Beside ~ Yale & MIT)

If u wanna know more, feel free to let me know.
I will be happy to help you with it. ^^

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