2沖程同埋4沖程點分架 同埋有D咩分別

2007-05-01 3:32 am
如題~~小弟最近開始研究車 好多野都唔識 希望仲可以比D有關車既網我la~~我仲係到學緊點樣認車.....希望各位專業人士比到d意見我~~由咩開始認識先

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2007-05-01 1:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
沖程 = Stroke. Basically describing the times the piston of the internal combustion engine has to move in order to complete the whole process (Intake, compression, power, exhaust). The difference between the two is that a 4-stroke engine will use the same chamber/space for all four activities, while a 2-stroke engine has space under the piston for the intake and compression part, while using the upper chamber for power and exhaust. As you can picture, for a 2-stroke engine there will be power stroke for every revolution of the crank, while for a 4-stroke engine the power stroke happens every other revolution. You will see 2-stroke cycle in smaller application like motorcycle or portable application like lawn mower, boat motor, etc. Most car engines nowadays use four-stroke cycle.

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