
2007-05-01 3:24 am
PS::要超詳細的資料!!! (用簡易英文)!!!
PS::要超詳細的資料!!! (用簡易英文)!!!
PS::要超詳細的資料!!! (用簡易英文)!!!

回答 (1)

2007-05-01 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong Industry in 20th century
In 1950s, skills and capital brought by refugees of Mainland China, especially from Shanghai, along with a vast pool of cheap labor helped revive the economy. At the same time, many foreign firms relocated their offices from Shanghai to Hong Kong. Enjoying unprecedented growth Hong Kong would transform from a territory of entrepôt trade to industrial and manufacturing.
In 1960s, the manufacturing industry opened a new decade utilizing large portions of the population. The construction business would also be revamped with new detailed guidelines for the first time since World War II. While Hong Kong started out with a low GDP, it would use the textile industry as the foundation to boost the economy. China's cultural revolution would put Hong Kong on a new political stage. Events like the 1967 riot would fill the streets with home-made bombs and chaos.
In 1970s, the opening of the mainland Chinese market and rising salaries drove many manufacturers north. Hong Kong consolidated its position as a commercial and tourism centre in the South-East Asia region. High life expectancy, literacy, per-capita income and other socioeconomic measures attest to Hong Kong's achievements over the last four decades of the 20th Century.
參考: WEB

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 19:24:43
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