關於POKEMON CRATER......各位識唔識都入睇啦~~~

2007-05-01 2:43 am
有幾題關於POKEMON CRATER問題想問大家呀!

1) 請問係咪有人可以偷其他用戶pokemon(但係trade pokemon冇記錄)呢?如果唔係就積係POKEMON CRATER個網自己偷人呀??? = = 我個朋友唔見2隻勁呀, 慘!

2) 每頁"All your pokemon"係咪潔係放得50隻pokemon咋?

3) POKEMON CRATER個網幾時更新一次, 我而家有210以上pokemon, 但係個網就潔係話我得193隻! 我幾驚俾人偷呀!

本人用戶: 51022 大家可以與我trade POKEMON

回答 (10)

2007-05-04 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)除咗俾人刪咗trade pokemon記錄外,冇可能會冇trade pokemon記錄。

2)係,每頁"All your pokemon"只可以放得50隻pokemon


我的ID是 : jackyjackyjacky
參考: jackyjackyjacky
2007-05-06 6:38 pm
2007-05-06 4:19 pm
而"trade pokemon"冇記錄係因為那個人會 Remove all recent trade notifications
2) 每頁"All your pokemon"潔係放得50隻pokemon
參考: myself
2007-05-05 11:52 pm
有人可以偷其他用戶pokemon(但係trade pokemon冇記錄) 應該放得50隻pokemon trade過既POKEMON唔計落去
參考: me
2007-05-04 5:53 am
每頁"All your pokemon"係咪潔係放得50隻pokemon咋?
Yes! Yes!
2007-05-03 6:26 am
每頁"All your pokemon"係咪潔係放得50隻pokemon咋?

2007-05-02 22:28:01 補充:
2007-05-03 3:19 am


參考: 10112
2007-05-03 2:19 am
I tell you that pokemon crater that everyone can steal other's pokemon.
Because there is a fuction if you put a username to function (forgot your password) than you can have the password . And steal the pokemon by trading .

I knew that because someone has steal all my pokemon that is 100Lv. and Exp. is over 1000000. But now i have 1000 pokemon that is 100Lv. and Exp. is 1200000 or 90000.

My account is m19611124. If anyone battle with me and win me I will give you a 100Lv. pokemon that you want .

2007-05-03 18:09:55 補充:
if you all want to know how to prevent the other stealing pokemon ,battle with me. i will tell you .
參考: me
2007-05-02 7:04 pm

參考: me la
2007-05-01 2:49 am

係呀,每頁"All your pokemon"ohly放得50隻pokemon!!!

我個用戶名係 chevychan

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