急~~英文睇書再作一封信寫比個fd,250字 (20分!!!!!!!)

2007-05-01 2:42 am
You may make use of the outline and useful words and words and expressions below when you write your composition.
What have you been doing lately?
State your purpose of writing the letter – to recommend your favorite book or comic. Give the Title of the book or comic.

3.Body Content: Write two to three paragraphs to describe the attractions of ypur book or comic. Use a separate paragraph for each attraction. Organization: Name the attraction Explain how it is attractive Give examples from the story itself.


Suggested Content: Paragraph 1 – talk about the plat / storyline and the setting Paragraph 2 – talk about the characters Paragraph 3 – about the language style or the drawings Paragraph 4 – talk about the author and other related information such as other


reader’s comments What is the title of the book or comic Who wrote it? What is it about? What are the key characters? What is the story about? 


How do the characters change as the story unfolds? Why do you like reading the book or comic? What do you think about the characters? Who are your favorites? How do you feel about the story plot? What do you think about the drawings, the language, and the writer’s storytelling skills?


4.Conclusion Suggest how your friend can respond to what you have said Encourage your friend to read the book or comic 5.Closing 6.Signature


Useful words and expressions Creativerealisticpopularexcitinginteresting Imaginative bestseller educational Well-planned Please write soon, Let me Know if you…


Are you busy with your studies? Recently, I have been reading … It was a great … The book/ comic is about … I strongly recommend that you read it …


Dear ___, Hello! How are you? ________________ Recently, I’ve been reading a ___________ Let me tell you why I like reading it so much. _________________ Have to go now. ______________ Please give my warmest regards to your family. Love, ____


全部補充都係接住落,,250字 我係自己冇書做唔到又急住要先搵人幫~~ 唔該大家幫幫手...我趕唔切搵書~~thx

回答 (2)

2007-05-01 2:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Joy,

Thank you for telling me what you have experienced in the past days. I think it's great to attend a concert, joint some activities that make you feel relax and pleasure. What did you have learned from the workshop about "love"? Did you enjoy it?

The other day, someone ever asked me about my point of view of " love". From my experience, love is to give, not to be rewarded. People feel hurt from their love experience is all because they want to be rewarded! Love is a process not a result. You would enjoy it when you give and care for someone, and you might feel hurt if you try to have him or her as your possession.

When you think it over, what do we actually own in our life? love? fame? beauty? wealth? health? friendship? our kids? our mates? None of them can be brought to our graves. What we definitely have, and could not be taken away, are our memories. The days we have spent with our love ones, the frustrations we have been experienced, the joy to have our first babies born and watch them grow up, the pain we have endured when we were sick..... Those memories can never be taken away and are part of our possessions.

That is the reason why I try to record and share with you my stories, which are my most precious asset, perhaps, my only asset in the world.
2007-05-01 3:57 am
Dear Joy,

Thank you for telling me what you have experienced in the past days. I think it's great to attend a concert, joint some activities that make you feel relax and pleasure. What did you have learned from the workshop about "love"? Did you enjoy it?

The other day, someone ever asked me about my point of view of " love". From my experience, love is to give, not to be rewarded. People feel hurt from their love experience is all because they want to be rewarded! Love is a process not a result. You would enjoy it when you give and care for someone, and you might feel hurt if you try to have him or her as your possession.

When you think it over, what do we actually own in our life? love? fame? beauty? wealth? health? friendship? our kids? our mates? None of them can be brought to our graves. What we definitely have, and could not be taken away, are our memories. The days we have spent with our love ones, the frustrations we have been experienced, the joy to have our first babies born and watch them grow up, the pain we have endured when we were sick..... Those memories can never be taken away and are part of our possessions.

That is the reason why I try to record and share with you my stories, which are my most precious asset, perhaps, my only asset in the world.

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