
2007-05-01 12:58 am
星期二下午前要 很急~~~
Part 2
Background: Jason是一個會賴床的男孩,他的媽媽也拿他沒辦法。Jason有個聰明又漂亮的姐姐,而他姐姐常拿成績來刺激Jason…
S: Jason, wake up. Wake up.
E:我同意! Jason你找Pocky一起來。

回答 (2)

2007-05-01 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
S: Jason, wake improves. Wake improves.
J: As for uproar いではいけなの me, I still hold sleepiness.
S: You are late, and a bus cannot catch up with it.
J: (A roar)Sky なあ! One English examines a school today!
わきぜりふは: I think to pick up the mobile telephone which yesterday arrived at in a brain and use that I change that I am under that I was able to exchange the dining table past with a scene fast into convenience and…S: You are all late every day and cannot blame results and I do not all scramble and think straight. You think that results of Erica are all champions, and is it you?
J: (A hopeless thing)Satoru of her most の stick which there is はそうだ!
S: You are dismissed by a true thing.
E: As for you, study of the miscellaneous capitals of this imbecility is bad.
S: It was good and made noise! Do you go to eating on the weekend the next day in I たちはどんなを outdoors?
E: I agree! As for Jason, you come in search of Pocky together.
J: I am not interested; and the; starve, and why must come in search of Pocky together?
E: It is after a long absence with Pocky.

Part 2
Background: Jason is the boy hanging on the bed at a meeting, his mother can do nothing about him too. Jason has a clever and beautiful elder sister, and his elder sister often brings the achievement to come to amazing Jason
S: Jason, wake up. Wake up.
J: noisy I, I also want to sleep.
It is late that you want S:, the bus can not run into.
J:( cries) My God! The school has an examination of English today!
Aside: Brain remember yesterday cell-phone that find, convenient by soon turning and switching over the scene in front of the dining table
S: you late every day no wonder score has been unsatisfactory straight. You see Erica achievement is the champion, how about you?
J:( is helpless) Yes. Yes, she is the most excellent!
S: you really very much terrible.
E: idiot you assorted to study well.
S: is good, don't be noisy! How will we go for a picnic on weekend of tomorrow?
I agree with E:! Jason you let Pocky come together.
2007-05-01 1:02 am
S: Jason, wake improves. Wake improves.
J: As for uproar いではいけなの me, I still hold sleepiness.
S: You are late, and a bus cannot catch up with it.
J: (A roar)Sky なあ! One English examines a school today!
わきぜりふは: I think to pick up the mobile telephone which yesterday arrived at in a brain and use that I change that I am under that I was able to exchange the dining table past with a scene fast into convenience and…S: You are all late every day and cannot blame results and I do not all scramble and think straight. You think that results of Erica are all champions, and is it you?
J: (A hopeless thing)Satoru of her most の stick which there is はそうだ!
S: You are dismissed by a true thing.
E: As for you, study of the miscellaneous capitals of this imbecility is bad.
S: It was good and made noise! Do you go to eating on the weekend the next day in I たちはどんなを outdoors?
E: I agree! As for Jason, you come in search of Pocky together.
J: I am not interested; and the; starve, and why must come in search of Pocky together?
E: It is after a long absence with Pocky.

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