bonds 同shares 的好處及壞處

2007-05-01 12:56 am
"As shareholders have voting right,issue shares can increase the controlling power of the company, and thus avoid being taken over. Debenture holders have no voting right, the issue of debenture cannot increase the controlling power of the company"

以上資料對唔對架? 我0係一份Mock 卷的答案copy 出黎
但係呢,我一向學都係issue shares 的 disadvantage係  the company easily being taken over,到底係邊個啱?

回答 (1)

2007-05-01 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

issue shares disadvantage係the company easily being taken over!!!

REASON係你發行愈多shares,,佢地有voting rights,,如果shares既比例愈大,,就愈容易控制到間company!!所以當人地買你既shares到一定數量既時候,,就會容易被收購!!!

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