✔ 最佳答案
1. 奶類及其製品
2. 豆類及其製品
3. 深綠色的蔬菜類
4. 可連骨一起吃的魚類及海產類
5. 果仁類、乾果類(這些食物同時含高鹽、油或糖份,所以應適量進食)
1. 維他命D:改善腸道內鈣質的吸收以及刺激骨骼的新陳代謝,從而促進骨骼的形成。
2. 維他命C:有助骨膠原的製造和增加鈣質的吸收,會刺激骨生細胞的生長,進骨骼的形成。
3. 維他命K:除了有凝血的功能外,最近很多研究發現它可 促進骨骼的新陳代謝,刺激其中一種骨骼元素的形成,並有助鈣質沉澱於骨基中來鞏固骨骼。
4. 礦物質 - 鎂:人體中約60%的鎂會儲存於骨骼,其餘則儲於肌肉和其他組織。鎂能刺激骨生細胞,使維他命D變得更活躍,增加骨骼組織對荷爾蒙和壅維他命D的敏感度,從而加快骨骼中鈣質的輸送。
(一) 特色琵琶豆腐(分量:5-6人用)
1. 搗爛布包豆腐和玉子豆腐,然後拌勻魚膠和調味料,再倒入蛋液,拌勻。搓成丸狀,灑火腿茸上面,用大火蒸5-8分鐘。
2.. 洗淨西洋菜,切開。灼熟後,過凍水備用。
3. 把西洋菜放上碟,豆腐放於菜面,蒸約5分鐘。最後淋上少許豉油汁調味。
Steamed Tofu and Dace Paste with Watercress (Servings : 5-6 persons)
Ingredients: 1 pc Cloth Packed Tofu, 1 tube Prince Tofu, 120g (3 taels) Dace Paste, 1 tbsp Chopped Ham, 1 Egg (large size), 300g (1/2 catty) Watercress
Seasonings: 1/2 tsp Salt, a pinch of White Pepper, 1 tbsp Cornstarch
1. Mash cloth packed tofu and prince tofu. Mix in dace paste and tofu with seasonings. Stir in egg. Mould tofu-egg mixture into ball shape and top with chopped ham. Steam over high heat for 5-8 minutes.
2. Wash and cut watercress in halves. Cook well. Then blanch in cold water.
3. Place watercress on the dish, top with tofu. Steam for 5 minutes. Serve with light soy.
(二) 豆腐蔬菜鰂鱼湯(分量:8-10人用)
材料:鰂鱼600克(1斤),芥菜240克(6両),豆腐2磚,薑2片,水2 1/2公升(約10杯),油1茶匙
1. 洗淨芥菜,把豆腐切件。
2. 用鹽塗勻魚身,醃約15分鐘。
3. 爆香薑片,再把魚煎香。
4. 水滾後放魚及豆腐,用中火滚15分鐘,再放芥菜。待水再滾起,即可。
Chinese Leaf Mustard, Tofu and Fish Soup (Servings : 8-10 persons)
Ingredients: 600g (1 catty) Crucian Carp (fish), 240g (6 taels) Chinese Leaf Mustard, 2 pcs Tofu, 2 slices Ginger, 2 1/2 liter (about 10 cups) Water, 1 tsp Oil
Seasoning for fish: 1 tsp Salt
1. Rinse and section the Chinese Leaf Mustard. Cut tofu into pieces.
2. Season fish with salt for 15 minutes.
3. Shallow fry fish with ginger until lightly brown on both sides.
4. Put fish and tofu in boiling water for 15 minutes over medium heat. Add Chinese leaf mustard. Bring to boil and serve.
(三) 金鈎白飯魚莧菜(分量:4-6人用)
材料:莧菜900克(1 1/2 斤),蝦米80克(2両),白飯魚240克(6両),杞子1湯匙,蒜蓉2湯匙,油1湯匙,水500毫升(2杯)
1. 洗淨浸軟蝦米,洗淨杞子。
2.. 洗淨莧菜,隔水備用。
3. 落油及蒜蓉,炒熟莧菜,加水煮滾,然後把莧菜放於碟上,莧菜水則留在易潔 鑊內。
4. 加調味料入莧菜水,煮滾後再放蝦米和白飯魚,用中火煮5-6分鐘,然後加杞子。煮滾後,把莧菜水淋上菜面。
Silver Cod and Dried Shrimps with Chinese Spinach (Servings : 4-6 persons)
Ingredients: 900g(1 1/2 Catties) Chinese Spinach,80g(2 taels) Dried Shrimps,240g(6taels) Silver Cod,1tbsp Gouqi,2 tbsp Mashed Garlic (chopped),1 tbsp Oil,500ml(2 cups) Water
Seasonings: 120ml Chicken Broth,250ml Water,1 tsp Sugar,1 pinch of White Pepper
1. Wash and soak the dried shripms until soft. Wash gouqi.
2. Wash the Chinese spinach and drain.
3. Heat oil in a non-stick pan and fry the Chinese spinach with garlic. Add water to boil. Put Chinese spinach in a plate. Leave spinach broth in the pan.
4. Add seasonings in the spinach broth. Bring to boil. Add dried shrimps and silver cod over medium heat for 5-6 minutes. Put gouqi in. Bring to boil. Pour the broth over the spinach.
2007-05-01 18:14:55 補充:
(四)「 黃金」「翠玉」珊瑚(南瓜豆腐拼釀西蘭花) (分量:4-6人用) 材料:豆腐1盒,南瓜蓉(熟) 80克,清雞湯100毫升,火腿片1/2片,油1茶匙,葱花少許蒸釀西蘭花材料及調味料:西蘭花8尕,蝦肉240克,鹽3/4茶匙,粟粉3/4茶匙,麻油少許製法:1. 用刀拍爛蝦肉,放入碗內,加入調味料攪拌至起膠。2. 把西蘭花切成小朶,蝦膠塗滿西蘭花莖,蒸8分鐘,取出於碟邊。3. 蒸熟南瓜,打成蓉。把豆腐切粒,火腿片切蓉。4. 先炒南瓜蓉,再放入雞湯及豆腐炒勻,用中火炆至收汁,上碟,最後灑上火腿蓉及葱花。