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If you look around for so many peoples with Dig, Associate Degree and Degree in Accounting, LCC is no longer so valuable for job seeking purposes. However, it is a good start for people to get in the accounting field or market. It is a start up to go further in accounting career. So, having LCC whichever stage is only a start, you need to get yourself further with continuing education and development.
There are a number of Institutes having course for LCC, AAT and professional examinations e.g. ACCA, AIA, HKICPA etc. See if you go to the web-sites of the Institutes e.g. IVE, HKU and CU Extra-mural, Hong Kong School of Commerce.
If you have a good foundation of accouting, you can move forward step by step say, from LCC --> AAT --->Professional degree e.g. QP in HKICPA or --> ACCA, AIA
While there is a will, there is a way. On your Mark, Get Set and Go to the Accounting Career Path and be a Professional Accountant. Make yourself competitive with strong standing for challenges. Your bright future is in your hands...