
2007-04-30 11:39 pm

回答 (4)

2007-05-01 8:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我既意見,就係( 高回報 = 高風險 )....如果你果6萬蚊係閒錢,都可以試下!
2007-05-03 3:43 am
6萬買 419 一日$3000+

2007-06-06 20:29:08 補充:
我都叫你買 419 啦 我介紹你買o個日先0.21 而家0.23啦
2007-05-01 8:05 am
60,000 with 3,000 gain a month? That is 5% of return per month!!! If one can get this level of return consistently, they beat Warrent Buffet for sure.

Not knowing your risk profile, I would suggest that you buy Manulife...the annual growth in global insurance market should easily get you 15% p.a.

If you really want 5% per month and willing to bear the risk...I suggest to look closely at China property stock like 688, 2727, 2007 etc. buy 688 at current price 9.58 can get you 5% return in one-two weeks....but you face potential downside risk as well. I wouldn't be surprise if it dropped further. But fundamental remain sound, just remember, as Chinese get richer, property price will rise, for sure.
2007-05-01 12:02 am

1). #3993 - 單日升幅 5%
2). #276 - 2 個月升幅 7 倍

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