
2007-04-30 11:21 pm

回答 (3)

2007-05-01 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Your name
2) Briefly introduce your education, e.g. I graduated from xxx school and got the degree in xxxx subject in 19xx or 200x
3) Briefly introduce your working experience if any.
4) Your hobbies which can be helpful in your interview, don't say you like playing mahjong, shopping, sleeping, etc. If you want to say you like reading, you must prepare some books for reference, the authors you like, etc.
5) Your strength, why you think you are suitable for this position? You can say you like smile and meet different kinds of people and you think the position of a Service Ambassador is very important to the company because you need to impress your clients by providing them with an excellent service. It is not an easy job but you would like to take the challenge, etc. (You may be required to explain the definition of excellent service.) You can emphasize you can get a great satifaction in solving problems.

Remember to smile sweetly in the whole interview. Formal dressing. Clean and tidy. Don't be too nervous. You can shake hands with the interviewers after the meeting to express your courtesy.
參考: My experience only
2007-04-30 11:34 pm
your past working experiences and the reason of leaving last job
what's your weakness points and strong points
what's your future plan of your career?
Did you attend any courses that can enhance your skill
2007-04-30 11:26 pm
u can say yr attitude towards yr job, yr life.
參考: me

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