Econ past paper II 2006 Q. 20

2007-04-30 10:12 pm
Angel, Bonnie and Catherine jointly own a firm. The firm is legal entity. Which of the following statements about the firm must be correct?

A. The firm can issue shares to raise capital.
B. At least one of the owners has to bear unlimited liability.
C. The firm will be dissolved on the death of any one owner.
D. The accounts of the firms have to be disclosed to the public.

Ans. A


回答 (1)

2007-04-30 10:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The firm is legal entity. 該廠商是一個法人(獨立法人地位)
B. At least one of the owners has to bear unlimited liability. 有限公司係有限債務責任 Limited company bears limited lability.
C. The firm will be dissolved on the death of any one owner. 有限公司會延續性強,不管任何一個股東離世、退出廠商都唔會因此解散
D. The accounts of the firms have to be disclosed to the public. 不能確定 Cannot be determined. 題目只話係legal entity獨立法人地位,但無任何一點可顯示佢係公眾有限公司,只可以sure佢係有限公司only
參考: 06年考生 :) 答啱呢題ga :)

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