為何每當我穿牛仔褲時,我隻猫猫都會當我係樹一樣,跳上來我的腳上 (像爬樹一樣), 何解??

2007-04-30 9:01 pm
為何每當我穿牛仔褲時,我隻猫猫都會當我係樹一樣,跳上來我的腳上 (像爬樹一樣), 何解??

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 11:17 pm
係呀係呀, 我家老二都有呢個習慣架! 唔止牛仔褲呀, 仲有著咗絲襪嘅時候都係咁.
我認為第一係牛仔褲比較"鞋" 似抓抓板啲質地
第二就係唔捨得媽媽出街囉, 雖然人人都話貓比較cool
但有時都好 嗲人架, 嘻
參考: 4 隻貓的媽媽
2007-04-30 9:31 pm
May be your cat just like the texture of Jeans, my cats never do that. Different cat has different character, my elder cat like to scratch sofa, but my little cat never, just depence of her/his personality and characteristic.

I think it's funny, if you don't mind, just play with him/her when you wear jeans, they must love it.

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