
2007-04-30 8:50 pm

回答 (3)

2007-04-30 9:06 pm
To improve your written English,
1. you should read more, articles, newspapers, books (of your interests would be better!)
2. when you read, you may jot down some useful phrase or vocabularies, understand them and memorise them.
3. my experience is: I jotted down phrases and vocabularies in a notebook and revised them repeatedly, everyday.
4. also, read dictionary or some idom books can also help.

Practice and diligence are 2 important factors of learning a language. Good luck!
2007-04-30 9:01 pm
你可以試下用英文寫日記,因為日記多數都係寫自己今日發生既野或者自己的感想,所以應該唔會諗唔倒寫乜好, 咁你寫下寫下,話唔定開始鐘意用英文表達, 有左興趣同習慣後,就會好d

除左看書外,也可以上網睇下d article, 睇下報紙,雜誌.....etc
2007-04-30 8:59 pm
To improve your English writing skills, you need to read English books and not only novels but also essays and non-fiction reference books. In addition, you need to read more English newspapers like South China Morning Post. But the most important is to communicate with others using English. At first you might be not used to it, but don't give up!

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