
2007-04-30 8:11 pm
I have read answers on here before but the answers seems to be old (From 2006).
Is there any update on this topic?

回答 (3)

2007-05-01 1:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
政府其實一早已經行護士學位化,由中大,港大,理工,提供四年制護理學位,畢業後就係註冊護士(RN),理工亦有一個三年的high dip. course畢業後都係RN,
近年公開大學都開咗全日制護理學士學位,但係未被nursing council認可.仲係審核中,畢業後唔知拎唔拎到牌,不過公大一向都有辦一d課程俾在職護士進修,相信審核會冇問題


重有傳聞醫管局都會重開護士學校 train RN,都係留意佢地網頁啦

如果有心做護士,我建議你入U讀個degree,如果由EN讀起再轉RN都可以,公大一直都有辨這個轉讀課程,只要EN畢業後一年,再讀三年兼讀,就可成為RN,nursing council已經批咗這個course,但只係一張high dip,唔係degree
參考: 我係護士,希望可以幫到你
2007-04-30 9:05 pm
You can go and get a bachelor degrees in various universities like HKU, CU, Polyu, etc. Or study an associate degree and apply the bachelor degree in nursing during the study.

Alternatively, you can go to some hopsital like 養和 to study to be an EN.
2007-04-30 8:17 pm
As all nurse training schools have been closed by the government, there are no schools specially training nurses.

I don't know what other people answer, but you have to study at the university, in order to get a degree. And then, you can use your degree certificate to hospitals and apply for a job there.

However, the government hospitals are now reducing the number of nurses, so as to save capital. It is quite difficult to get a place there.

Hope my information can help you!
參考: Myself

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