
2007-04-30 5:48 pm
很多時候,我是在網上搜查資料;并非消磨時間. Internet的資訊繁多,以後我會

一家人難免會有一些小磨擦,像女主人公那樣的情況是大家所不想見到的.面對家人的責備,我也一度以為沉默是最好的方法,既可避免衝突,又可維持 “好孩子” 的形象. 但事實是,當我試著去解釋後,無論誰是誰非,我和家人之間的關系更密切,更貼心了.
兩代人的代溝並非想像中那樣不可跨越. 嘗試溝通,讓你更了解身邊人的想法; 嘗試表達自己,讓別人更了解你. 想更有效地與人溝通,就不該保持沉默沉浸在個人世界裡.

回答 (3)

2007-04-30 6:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
most of the time, i do research in the Internet instead of killing the time. as there is a lot of information in the Internet, i will search with specific topics so that i wil not waste the time.
there must be some conflicts and quarrel in a family. the situation of the girl in this case is undisrable. for the blaming of my family members, i used to believe that being silent is the best way, which can avoid quarrels, as well as matintaining the image of a well-behaved children. yet, the fact is, when i try to explain the things, no matter which side is correct, my family and i become closer and we can understand each other more. the generation gap is not that difficult to overcome--try to communicate more that it can help you understand more what others think. you should express your opinions so that others can understand you as well. if you wish to communicate with others effectively, you should not remain silent in your own world.

2007-04-30 10:09:21 補充:
undisrable-- undesirable
參考: ME
2007-04-30 6:52 pm
Most of the time, I do net-surfing is not only because of killing time. There is a lot of information on the Internet, and I will save time by trying my best to do collective surfing on net.

There must be some quarrels between family members. Take the Mistress as an example, what happened on the Mistress is what we do not want to witness. Facing the criticisms raised by family members, I thought that remain silence was the best solution. On the one hand, it prevented any confrontations; on the other hand, my image as "a good boy" would remain unchanged. However, in fact, after I try to explain what happened to my family members, I find that our relationship will be closer no matter who has done something wrong. The generation gap is not a problem at all provided that you try to communicate with one another so that they know what you think and try to present yourself so that they can understand you more. To communicate with others efficectively, one should not remain silence and soak in his/her own world.
參考: Myself
2007-04-30 6:02 pm

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