phase clause different??

2007-04-30 5:03 pm
what is the different between phase and clause
can anyone teach me and show me some examples

how about the following sentences, is it a clause? "I want to ask whether it is a clause."

回答 (1)

2007-04-30 5:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如: He is a man of ability ( of ability就是形容詞片語,其意相當於able)
 She went home in a hurry(in a hurry是副詞片語)

如:He went up and I came down(He went up和I came down都是子句),而且若我們獨立抽出來看He went up是一句完整句子,I came down也是一個完整句子。

2007-05-02 11:52:22 補充:
I want to ask whether it is a clause這句中,有兩句子句,”I want to ask”和”it is a clause”,而被從屬連接詞whether連在一起,成為複合句(complex sentenct)。現在請看”I want to ask”,句中有subject( I ),有predicate(predicate述部必須有verb,再加上或不加上其它詞)(want(verb) (to ask)(infinitive phrase作名詞片語)),所以是一句子句而it is a clause也有subject和動詞,所以,也是子句

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