romeo and juliet research!! 10marks!!

2007-04-30 3:42 pm
搵人幫我search d有關romeo and juliet入面love同hate呢2個theme ge 資料丫~

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 3:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Romeo and Juliet are love each other when they first meet, but they are live in two different country, the two country they live are always fight each other, however when their both family know about the love of Romeo and Juliet, both family are really don't like each other, and try to stop them to meet each other.

2007-04-30 08:08:37 補充:
Try this web site: Synopsis- kind of summary . You willl know much about it . * every time , you want a summary or other notes, you can go search wikipedia or spark notes, they have a lot of information for lots of books.
參考: I study in Canada
2007-04-30 4:33 pm
我岩岩先做完呢個'Romeo and Juliet'。佢地2家人係死對頭,one day Juliet既families搞左一個舞會,呀Romeo就同佢既朋友一齊好神祕錦入左去佢地個Ball(舞會),Romeo同Juliet對望之後,就中意左對方啦!隔左好耐好耐,R既朋友同一個人打交,而R既朋友就死左,R為左HELP佢既朋友,就Kill埋個個人,跟住呀R就要逃走。係J個到,佢呀媽逼佢同呀王子結婚,跟住呀J就去搵神父Help啦!呀神父叫佢話嫁俾個個王子,跟住飲左一d安X藥,佢屋企人就會以為佢死左,而呀神父就去通知呀R,不過呀R收唔到呀神父既訊息,返到去呀J屋企,佢以為呀J真係死左,跟住就飲毒藥自殺,呀J醒返之後,見到呀R死左,佢就囉起呀R既小刀,殺死自己!從此之後,d人為左紀念佢地就唔知係邊個國家到整左佢地既像,等人拜下呢對好可憐既小情人!!
參考: 小沙翁

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