we have long, cold winters and short,hot summers. We have a holiday home near a lake, so in summer I go sailing a lot and I play baseball, but in winter I often play ice hockey and go ice-skating. My favourite season is autumn, or fall, as we say in North America. I love the colours of the trees - red, gold , orange , yellow , and brown.
咁成句即係點解 My favourite season is autumn, or fall, as we say in North America. 佢講左autumn 之後又講多次 秋天(fall)? 唔明 係咪佢想解釋話 fall 係呢個 North America 解秋天? 即係成句解: 我最喜歡既季節係秋天 , 或者fall喇 , 即以我地係North America講既秋天 咁理解岩唔岩 佢後面 係想解個fall係乜 岩唔岩? 咩叫 or fall 秋收 say in 無言以對/反唇相譏