有冇人用緊 Gaynor Minden 既 pointe shoe?

2007-04-30 8:36 am
我睇過佢個 website 見佢可以 online 訂同埋佢地好似好 pro 咁做 long distance fitting .....

但我未著過 gaynor minden 既 pointe, 連試都未試過, 我諗緊買唔買好.....

1) 有冇人試過 online 訂, 對鞋 fit 唔 fit?? or 在香港有現成買 (係咪芳婷有?) ?? (但 online 好似 customized 對鞋又好似 pro d 咁...)

2) 仲有, 我想知係咪真係好耐用?? 我見佢個 website 話耐用過 freed 好多倍咁 o_o

pls help~~~ thanks thanks thanks

呀呀~~ 其實我本身天生個 arch 都幾高下 (老師說的), 會唔會高 arch 反而唔識合著 gaynor minden? anyway, 我聽講 gaynor minden 好好同埋好耐用, 所以想試下 仲有呢, 知唔知芳婷賣幾錢對?


Grishko hard shank <-- 即係邊個 model ??? thanks

回答 (2)

2007-05-06 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
高 arch 識合著 Gaynor Minden

However, many people say Gaynor Minden shoes will make your feet lazy.
They are CHEATING shoes. Yes, you may feel easlier when you roll up on pointe.
But not good for you, because you are not using your feet muscles.

So many teachers don&#39;t allow their their students to wear these shoes in class
like in US and Europe.

Freed (even Studio hard shank, don&#39;t say Classic) are not strong enough.
I have very strong feet too!

If you have very strong feet, you should try Grishko&#39;s HARD Shank, very hard and very durable!!
2007-05-03 5:17 am
i suggest u not to buy gaynor minden .
my frd wear it before. she just can use for 2 month.
if u have good arch, i can try freed studio (hard) or bloch 100

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