in your opinion how old should someone b to start dating?

2007-04-29 7:10 pm
My parents say 18 to "avoid rushing relationships" but by that time because I wont have had any relationships I will be rushing!! They let me brothers date when they were 16 and when I told them that my friends had BFs they said I couldn't date until I was 18 NO EXCEPTIONS! That means I won't get to go to prom what so ever!

What is your opinion? How old were you when you started dating? How old do you think your daughter should be before she starts going out with some one (her own age)

回答 (16)

2007-05-07 5:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Honestly, my parents never gave me a set age as to when I could start dating but I started going out alone when I was 16. We didn't even have a sit-down discussion about it. They meet him and didn't have any objections. They really trusted my judgment and knew I was not the kind of girl who could be easily persuaded and charmed by guys and the many tricks and games they'll play to get what they want.

I think 18 is too harsh. They are making it sound like they think you're too weak to resist boys. I know 20&25 year olds who have no business walking down the street by themselves. So age doesn't mean a thing. I think it all depends on the person. See if they'll let you go on group dates or maybe a double date with a friend, to build confidence and trust with them. Maybe they'll come around.
2007-04-29 7:17 pm
Well, I'd agree. 17. 18.
2007-04-29 7:15 pm
I don't think it's an age thing. I started dating at 13 and nothing bad came of it, though it probably added some drama I could have done without to my life. I guess it's more of a "who" thing. If my kid wanted to date, ok, but bring the boy home, spend time at our house, get to know his parents, etc. etc.. Otherwise, if you make it hard for kids to date they do it anyway and get into more trouble because they feel like they have to deal with all the stress themselves.
2007-04-29 7:14 pm
I don't think there is a right age. Obviously if you are under 18 you have to listen to your parents but I think it's up to each individual. Everyone matures differently and that can affect things alot.
2016-12-05 2:47 pm
outline "relationship"? For a 12 y/o it particular as hell extra efficient not be bonking. If that is merely going to a movie or some such, no prob in any respect. having suggested that, we are speaking someone who isn't even a teenager. My opinion-- slightly too youthful to be relationship one on one.
2007-05-07 6:12 pm
i was 17 and i think thats an appropriate age.. i have talked to way to many people that talk about what they did when they were 14-16 with sexual acts i can't even dream of and i am 19. i say to avoid lessons you don't need to learn start at 17
2007-05-07 4:53 pm
2007-05-07 4:17 pm
2007-05-07 4:51 am
when it comes to a girl the parents get more scared! i started dating at the age of 16 years old and nothing came good from it because the guy was older and all he did was brake my heart! as an experience i think you can date at age of 16 but it will better if you wait a little longer..but is your choice sweety!

good luck :)
2007-05-03 8:53 pm
16 is okay, I think. Jolly unfair of your parents to let your brothers date at 16 but you only at 18. Probably depends on the person though.

I had my first bf at 16. My parents trusted me enough - well, they had nothing to fear: call me a scaredy cat or just shy, but I never even kissed my boyfriend so any closer contact with him was always out of the question.

I'm 18 now. No boyfriend. Maybe because I'm in the western world (well, Scotland) now and I'm too reserved for boys here to find me even worth talking to -_-
2007-04-29 7:39 pm
I think the age should be 16 to start dating & with many rules! Example: At 16 should be with others only! I never have understood why boys are allowed to date before girls.Oh yeah, its that pregnant thing! Well EVERYONE should think about the girl that their son is dating is someone elses' daughter, and is he NOT being taught to take responsibility for his actions? ALAS! 9 out of ten girls mature faster than boys.
參考: common sense
2007-04-29 7:19 pm
you asked MY opinion
your parents will have some time here to change their minds...and when it comes to prom, i am guessing that they will allow you to go because how often do parents get to see their daughter all dressed up?
i was 15 when i got to double date with my sisters and by the time i reached 16 i had built up enough trust to date on my own...but, i proved untrustworthy...
my daughter was about 15 when she started dating...she got to go to group things and then at 16, she got to date some and at 17 was dating
2007-05-07 6:28 pm
when you are in my buttttt!!!
2007-04-29 7:14 pm
2007-04-29 7:13 pm
2007-04-29 7:15 pm
ur parents are physco to let you date at 18 thats too late. id say about...8? i had my 1st bf at 8 so i mean i dont see a problem with that!

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