
2007-04-30 6:47 am
我做緊一個英文功課,係關於熊貓,help me

回答 (2)

2007-04-30 7:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
窩窩頭 = special corn meal buns rich in vitamins and minerals.

Pandas Le Le and Ying Ying Adapt Well
Updated Apr 28 2007 09:09:00 Beijing Time

Source: China Daily

A day after the giant panda cubs Le Le and Ying Ying arrived in Hong Kong, they have started adapting to life here, said experts from Wolong and Ocean Park yesterday.

Currently the two pandas are living in two separate rooms and they are put under 30-day quarantine, which will be followed by another 30-day to get used to the new environment.

The cubs' conditions are being closely monitored 24 hours by a team of caretakers at Ocean Park.

The pandas' caretaker in Wolong's China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Pandas, He Changgui said the pandas were relaxed and active.

"They are eating well and digesting well. They are adjusting fine," he said.

Another expert from the center, veterinarian Wang Chengdong, said the pandas were having a good time in Ocean Park and they were already liking their new home.

For the cubs, long distance travel didn't have any effect on their curiosity and energy, Wang said.

Timothy Ng, Director of Zoological Operations and Education of Ocean Park said they were worried the pandas would feel uncomfortable after the long journey from Wolong to their new home in Hong Kong.

But after they reached Ocean Park on Friday evening, they quickly came out from their cage and started exploring the new environment.

Paul Ng, Animal Behavior and Enrichment Manager of Ocean Park said apart from bamboo shoots and leaves, diet for Le Le and Ying Ying also includes milk and special corn meal buns rich in vitamins and minerals.

The team had been using toys to stimulate the pandas, so that Le Le and Ying Ying could feel new excitement in the confined area.

They would record the pandas' behavior and change the enrichment items according to their reaction, he said.

A short video footage of Le Le and Ying Ying was shown at yesterday's press conference. The cubs looked active and sprightly.

Hong Kong people will be able to see the cubs on July 1, the day the new Giant Panda Habitat will be inaugurated.

The 500-square-meter Habitat will have three separate activity zones for the pandas.

The areas are designed to simulate the natural environment of Sichuan's bamboo forests.

Structures have also been constructed to let the young cubs climb up and stretch.

The Habitat construction cost is more than HK$10 million, and the operation cost would rise to HK$12 million after the arrival of Le Le and Ying Ying, said Ocean Park Chairman Allan Zeman.

Within next two weeks, a "panda blog" will be launched to update the conditions of the cubs.

Mr Zeman also said a webcam would be fitted in after the pandas move to the Habitat so that visitors from all over the world could watch them anytime they want.

(By Louise Ho)
參考: China Daily
2007-04-30 7:05 am


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