
2007-04-30 3:31 am

回答 (2)

2007-06-02 12:10 pm
Wrong message. Carmel Bunnan Tong is not band 1 school. It is band 2 and Sum Heung Lam is not band 3 school and is band 1.99 (means band 1 tail , band 2 head) In fact, his HKCEE results is improving. Passing rate is over 70% - 80% last year.
2007-04-30 8:03 pm
some are wrong, don't trust fully!

e.g. 迦密唐賓南紀念中學; 馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學 are not band 1 ;

e.g. 香海正覺蓮社佛教梁植偉中學 is not band 3

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